
By seddon

Watching Thomas swim

Thomas, mummy and me got up and went downstairs for breakfast this morning and left daddy in bed for a while. After a quick bath, mummy got me dressed and then we all headed to swimming.
Uncle Sam came to watch Thomas as a surprise and so I sat on his knee throughout the whole lesson. Thomas did very well again, and he collected his stage 1 certificate.
We went to Nannie and Grandpa's house for lunch - interesting now there is vegetarians (Uncle Joe and Amelia) coeliac (Nannie) and dairy free (mummy) to cater for!!
Auntie Jill and uncle Ian came round for a while and I had some cuddles and showed off some rolling on my mat. Auntie Jill and uncle Ian have become grandparents this week - Simon and his girlfriend had a baby girl called Nola on Friday!

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