Helena Handbasket

By Tivoli


Or Bully?
During the course of my life I have had the privilege of both working and/or separately, living with both. My experience tells me that as a general rule, bullies tend to identify as wizards while real wizards tend to be more humble. Oddly, neither identifies as a bully.

One day I arrived at my workplace in the company of my spouse. I happened to be sporting a fat lip and a purple nose. Our contractor took one look at me and laughed “Did spouse smack you in the face?”. I made no remark but maintained eye contact with contractor and remained expressionless. I don't think it took him too terribly long to work out that he had hit the nail squarely on the head. Later, at home that evening I was chastised by spouse for failure to concoct a perfectly plausible explanation for my injuries which didn't implicate him. He hadn't managed to concoct one of his own, whilst standing in the limelight . . .

My question is; Why do so many members of the Tory Party still imagine that Boris is a wizard? Why has it taken Carrie Symonds as long as it has to leap to Boris' defence? She hasn't, he is indefensible.

None of us here (to the best of my knowledge) are members of the Tory Party, so none of us get a vote in this latest contest, but I do believe that it is our civic duty to highlight this point to all those party members who do get to vote.

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