Stevens Shots

By StevenC44

First Class degree!

My Pride photo from my last blip was uploaded on the wrong date (should’ve been the 23rd), and this was supposed to be for the 24th - so pretend I’m writing this as if it’s the 24th!

So today after months of waiting I finally found out my university degree classification - I’m graduating with a first in psychology! A first is the highest classification you can get, and without sounding smug I’m the only one in my year that got that!

I had my family gathered around when I opened it, they all cheered and I had a wee cry. It’s been so much hard work and it’s finally all paid off - I believe I only got it by 0.1%, so literally every mark counted! I have no idea what I’m actually gonna do with my life, but for now I’m just gonna celebrate a great achievement :)

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