"A Spirit That Calls Our Hearts to Dream"

"His is a power enhanced by pride, a courage heightened by challenge.
His is a swiftness intensified by strength, a majesty magnifed by grace.
His is a timeless beauty touched with gentleness, a spirit that calls our hearts to dream."

~ Author Unknown ~

I've been attending the Royal Highland Show since my student days; a loooong time!
Every year, I enjoy it immensely and every year I find something different or new.
I am not a horsey person.
I think horses are incredible animals and I love watching them and photographing them. As a child/teenager, I loved to draw them. They are physically beautiful and have an essence of power and grace.
As a vet, I was never keen on them as patients. I didn't grow up around horses and despite apparently having a good way with them, I never felt totally confident around them. I met some really bad-tempered ones during my years in large animal practice.

I always love watching the Heavy Horses at the RHS, particularly the teams pulling the dray. I missed them this year but had the absolute pleasure of watching a special display of Clydesdale Horses in the main arena.

I was standing sandwiched between two old worthies from "Norn Irn". When the first horses passed, all 3 of us fell silent. The older gentleman to the left of me quietly whispered "this is an incredible display of horses". 
He sounded very emotional.

So was I.

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