Thought I'd have a nice quiet walk along the river (with dog, clearly, I'm not such a native that I go out for a walk just for the sake of a walk, I have to have a reason) I was banking on the almost perpetual rain to have forced the river over the banks either side of Kettwig, thereby ensuring that no cyclists or part time walkers would be out.
It hasn't been wet enough, so the river was still only high on the one side. The river bank paths were like Oxford Street on Boxing day, not fun.
Managed to get told off by a German lady though, so all was not lost.
I had encouraged Logan to go along the flooded bit of path, because he enjoys the feel of cold water on his nether regions (what can I say, he's male and castrated, it's probably as fun as it gets) and I might get a blip or two out of it. So five minutes later I'm hauling a damp dog up hill, café-wards and a lady asks if she can have a word. Sure I think, maybe she needs directing somewhere...but no, instead I get a lecture about the safety (or not) of letting my dog in the river when it's so high and the current is so fierce, she'd never let her dog in the river. I did point out that Logan stays on the path and is maybe three times the size of her puny creature, but no, I am officially negligent, good job Logan wasn't wearing his dog tag (oops, make that doubly negligent eh?) or she'd have made a note of his number and reported me to the authorities.
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