Three Dog Night

Arrived Dubai after wonderful flight - 14 hours but managed some pockets of sleep. Smoothest landing - pilot brought that huge machine down with the lightest touch. Checked into transit hotel for shower and some deeper sleep. Had a wander around Dubai airport. Fascinating. Some food and then a rest and read. I was already checked in so found gate and relaxed.

Nairobi another five hour flight. A bit bumpy but nothing developed. Talked a bit to my neighbour, a Somali/Kenya woman of my age who was married (arranged) at 14 and had her first child at 15.

My half sister Jeni and husband Ants met me once I was (finally took forever) through Immigration etc and I was reunited with my suitcase which I had checked in back in Christchurch. Good to see the system works.

Jeni and I have met once before, for an afternoon 30 years ago. I find myself wondering how I have allowed all this time to go by?? Anyway I am here now and we talked nonstop for a few hours until we both needed the sleep. Tomorrow will be a big event as I get to hug my little half brother and also to meet Jeni’s two children!!!

Here’s the doggy part of the family.

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