Here There Be Dragons

For the first time in quite a while, we finally have them in our backyard!  I thought it would be difficult to shoot one, and I guess in general it can be, but this one was happy to just 'sit'.

AW in the garden now, stretching his limits as I hold my breath.

A warm day, either hot with the sun out or humid with some clouds.

In MNL, the Viking is making a lot of progress.  Actually, I have a spy there from whom I get a lot of useful suggestions as well as info.  All this is relayed to the Viking, who will fish out what is relevant.  He also wants more info on the domestic abuse I experienced while I was still living there and I'll need to sort out what to share, which will be based on what I can still remember as well as on what I consider important or relevant.  There's a book in the mental shelf that will need to be consulted and the print has faded in some parts.  The info will not be used for the case but will help him probe into the mind of the opponent.  THAT I understand perfectly because the way the enemy sees me will be a factor in what moves he might be expected to make.

With my correction work, not so much but coming along.  I am not unduly worried but it may not stand still.

Finished Ishiguro's The Remains of the Day ... wow!  I had to stop myself from thinking of the tidbits of film that I've caught and thankful I haven't watched the whole of it yet.  Don't know now if I ever will watch it, though, despite the fact that I'm sure Hopkins did a stellar performance.  So now, the last Ishiguro ... The Unconsoled.  Will start next week.

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