Shaken, not stirred...

By NeonPlumMartini


Having been rendered useless most of the week due to the always lovely (lie, lie, lie) combination of a migraine spanning days, sinusitis, vomiting, an ear infection and bronchitis, obviously I spent most of the week sleeping.
For someone like me, who is lucky to get three hours of sleep a night with the help of sedatives, this completely knocks the already shite system off kilter, so now I simply cannot sleep. I am utterly exhausted, but my body is saying "Ha, nice try, girlie. You had almost a month's worth of sleep. Suck it up, princess. You're not sleeping tonight".

So I embraced the sleeplessness whilst out having a naughty cigarette at 3:10am, with an almost clear sky (only some very light cloud), a very bright moon, and my camera.

Ladies and gents... I give you, Insomniphotography. I tried to be creative, but, the brain has switched off. Wish the body would follow.

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