
By seddon

Cast photo

We woke up this morning to rain. Lots of rain!
Mummy and Nannie took me and Thomas to say goodbye to some of the children's characters this morning. We got soaked on the way there and then the lift was broken so mummy had to carry my buggy up 2 flights of stairs!
This afternoon me and Mummy stayed in the caravan and packed ready for home tomorrow. Everyone else went swimming for a while.
This evening we all went to the children's show, Thomas went up and watched it at the front, and at the end got into the queue for photos. Nannie and Grandpa took me down and we all had our photo taken with some of the characters. The man stood next to Thomas is also called Thomas and is one of the entertainment team. Thomas loves him and was very star struck!
We stayed to watch go live, mummy got up and danced with Thomas, Grandpa got up and played a game with him, and daddy got up and Thomas nominated him to go on stage for a game.... and daddy got pied!!! Thomas's yellow team won the night! Thomas also got to go up on stage to collect a prize for a picture he had drawn.
On the way back to the caravan we stopped at the arcades to swap Thomas's tickets for prizes - he got a set of dominoes, a golf game and a bouncy ball!

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