No Job too big or small.

I bought this tool box in a charity shop when we were on holiday in looks like new even new batteries  put in by the shop assistant. I thought  it would be nice for my youngest  grandson who is 4.this morning I cleaned the windows cut the grass before I walked down the village to get the paper and TV book.i also wanted cash from the supermarkets ATM.did not have the full amount  I wanted was £40 short.recipe said partial our post office has closed ,this is the only place with a ATM.and we are quite a fair size village.middle of July there will be a mobile post office 3 afternoons a week 2to the I suppose that's better than nothing.the post office is now being altered  into a holiday accommodation. A name on the outside already.Chapel view the old post office.such a shame not to have a post office,a sign of the times I suppose. 

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