Pictures & Woodwork.

By PeterB

Stamens in a Lilly Flower.

     I decided I would get my macro lens out and have a practice with it. This is one of the Lilly plants we have in the garden and this has just flowered. 
     The flowers do not last very long so had to get it at its best. 
We have another Lilly plant of a different colour but not yet in flower. As soon as it does I will take a shot of it.

The extra is a close up shot of an Alstromeria flower.

     It has been and still is to hot to do any woodwork in the w/shop, so kept outside wherever possible in the shade. 
     I have a sore head having had some treatment on it yesterday to prevent to possible outbreak of cancerous cells in the skin. I am been under observation and will be for quite some time. I had a cancerous carcinoma removed awhile ago. 

Hope you are all well and take care in this heatwave.

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