
By Veronica

Bogs are dangerous places ...

It was a lovely morning, and after admiring freespiral's splendid garden/jungle, we went on "the circuit", visiting Kitchen Cove, the Air India memorial, and stopping for a coffee at the Heron Gallery. It always feels strange seeing places so familiar from blip! 

After lunch, al fresco in the garden, freespiral took me on a wonderful tour of the peninsula. It had clouded over unfortunately, somewhat limiting views and photo opportunities (see second extra), but it wasn't cold. See freespiral's blip for the summary! 

Unfortunately while we were doing a short and really not challenging walk to a picturesque ruined hut, I managed to slip and twist my ankle. It was quite painful but having rested for five minutes I decided it couldn't be broken since I could move it and put my weight on it, so I carried on, struggling to keep up with the welly-clad freespiral (extra) who despite still recovering from illness moves much faster than I do!

We walked back to the car, slowly and carefully in my case, and headed on to visit a holy well, freespiral having selected one that was easily accessible. I couldn't possibly leave without seeing one, so I hobbled down the steps to it and hopefully splashed some holy water on my ankle with a quick prayer to the BVM. 

Back home it was rest, ice, and elevation. I don't think they were that effective, but red wine and ibuprofen hit the spot. I went to bed hoping a night's sleep would see off the now quite impressive swelling ... watch this space.

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