
By CharlotteJ

Indoor Blip

Its been an incredibly wet and windy day here. I went for a run this morning only to have to abandon it due to the strength of the wind - too many trees around for me to feel comfortable.

Got home, showered, eat lunch and curl back up on the sofa to watch Mission Impossible, which I have to say I enjoyed. I am loving not working (I will get fidgety soon!!)

On a separate note, I need your help please? My sister turns 40 this coming week - what do I gift to her? I want to go unusual but no idea where to start. Makes it harder that she has no real hobbies! Any suggestions greatly received.

Anyway, wondering what the pink Orchid is about? It's my new this one and my white one, which you will be pleased to know is going from strength to strength are now known as Pinky and Perky.

Will catch up on comments soon I promise :) But for now its back to the sofa to watch another movie - pass me the popcorn :)

Much love xx

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