I was so happy with this encounter this morning that I was wanting to blip before 8 this morning! Alas, work had to take priority. I was going to drive my daughter into work but she decided to take the bus instead so I had time to zip down to the woods for an early morning walk. As we had a huge thunder and lightning storm with heavy rain an hour before, the woods were magical with the filtered sunlight, the drops falling off the leaves, and the mist rising off the surfaces as they warmed.
I heard a little bird calling and thought it was a Blue Jay mimicking another bird (as they often do!) so I started looking over head for the jay. Not one to be seen. Then a movement caught my eye....this very petite female Cardinal was at head height, on a branch looking at me and chirping. Cutest little thing ever. She was about the size of a sparrow. I am guessing she is the same one that was very friendly months ago that I had mentioned.
Now I regret not taking a video when I offered her seed on my hand as I was able to bring my hand right to her and you would have seen her size in relation to my hand. Darn...next time. No, she did not eat from my hand, but neither did she fly away. She seemed unsure what to do so I placed the seed on the ground and she happily flew down and started to eat. If you know the behaviour of Cardinals, this is highly unusual.
I smiled all the way to work and periodically throughout the day.
I do hope you had an equally fine day : ))
D x
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