The dreaded words....

I NEED to go to Ikea, ¨what for¨ says Roy, ¨new door handles for the kitchen cupboards, cheaper than buying a new kitchen¨, says I.

Took one of the old handles off to make sure we got the right size, then off we toddled. The only thing I forgot to do was count how many handles I needed, so standing in Ikea, having chosen the handles, I'm mentally going through the kitchen counting the number of cupboards and draws, 21 in all.

Why is it you can never go to Ikea and buy just the thing(s) you want, you always see things that you NEED as well. So as well as the handles we bought, a new bathroom light fitting, tomorrows job wiring it in, tea towels, a new loo brush, plastic storage containers, to replace ones that have gone a bit tatty, and a new pillow for me.

All the new handles are on, and it does make a difference to the kitchen, the cupboards have also been cleaned and I have had a good 'sort out' taken loads of stuff to the bin, not thrown it in the bin, put it on top, someone will find my cast offs useful.

Have back blipped yesterday.

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