Proud Weegie

By Shiv


Very pleasant day in the company of the W family. They will be shortly relocating to Qatar - so lots of chat and Google Streetview of the area where they will be living. Loads of possibilities. Their excitement was infectious!

Other chat about my impending redundancy - and possible options (including my short trip to visit them in their new home - oh what a pity - I shall have to go alone, since Mr S will be working and the girls at school. Never mind, I shall send them a postcard!)

Also to negotiate the sale of one of their cars. We are looking for a new car to replace Mr S's 14 year old heap - and this is a great chance - although No 1 seems to think we are buying it for her (as soon as she turns 17)!

No 3 had a great afternoon playing Furby's with S. Although she was quite distraught on the way home when we mentioned that S would be moving away. To which she said - she will Facetime her ! (6 year olds are very technologically sophisticated !).

We also discussed possible house extensions (for us) and No 3 came home and handed me a booklet of plans (side view, front view etc) for an extension to her playhouse for a 'Party room' !

The fun isn't over for us Weegies. We're off round to visit the P family now.

Here's a quick blip of No 3 and her friend S - it's a cracker !

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