The accidental finding

By woodpeckers

What a day!

In contrast with Tuesday's flooding and yesterday's heavy cloud and gloom, today we had high summer.

I found out that my childminding work had been cancelled, but I still had to go to Rodborough to collect some cards. I decided to take the day off home based work as it was such a fabulous day, and donned shorts and sunhat. Walked along the canal to Capel's mill. Kayakers were out on the canal basin. A dipper perched on a rock in the river. Over the fields I went, through an old orchard, and up to the football ground and the community hall. Along the road to The Prince Albert pub, then down Walkley hill to pick up the cards. Back down Rodborough hill, where I decided to call in on some friends. Fortunately, they were in. We sipped verbena tea in the sunshine. Friend showed me yet another set of footpaths to descend the hill. In town, I walked to the library, and then back home up Stroud hill.

I've no idea how many miles that was. A few, anyway. CleanSteve came home and I lay in the cabin (the garden was too hot by now) and read my library books. Dozing may have occurred.

The poppies and daisies are from Arundel mill pond, which isn't really a pond any more. I blipped it in 2012, when I was new and had just been given a job at the school where I've now worked for 7 years. It was probably a better photo, sadly.

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