Rocky Road Ahead

This poor fellow has no easy road ahead of him, and I wonder why he has decided to take this road in particular. Perhaps he had no choice?

Two short poems:

From Gus Ferguson's book: Carpe Diem, a book of his poems and his drawings:

On first Creeping into a poem by Dylan Thomas

I might be slime and calcite shale,
The common stuff of man and snail,
But yet my consciousness is pure.

One principle I know for sure:
The force that curls my spiral shell
Unwinds the universe as well.

and another:

Why Snails are Vegetarian

I must watch what I eat,
the mollusc said,
becuase my bum is just
above my head.

Such alimentary expedience
is a plain public inconvenience.

Having had a look at The Blackcountry Man's latest image, and comic write-up, I think he should really be grateful that he is not a snail.

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