
I had a long morning with the horses. Debby gave George & Rosie a hoof tidy and I just fussed around them. The perfect day for snuffling horses, too warm to ride comfortably. I then went on to give Brie a bit of a hoof trim and a fuss, Ruby and Billy got a groom.

A quick catch up with the in laws before dog walk o'clock and then I awaited the return of Gorgeous.

He had suggested an evening ride in the cooler part of the day. A cracking idea. We had a lovely ride. Back at the field, a couple who have been staying nearby in their motor home offered me a glass of wine... We all know the polite answer to that question. So we ended up chatting and admiring the horses a while. On the way home, a diversion to the fish and chip van. Top day! 

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