Lila - the Other Half of Larry

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Finally she trusted me today, after almost a year of flying away if I got camera distance from her... finally she came down & posed to the camera as it was the most natural thing on earth - she's learned from the best via her Larry. :) She's a much older robin then Larry, she has battle scars, you can see them around her eyes & how her eyes have sunken into her head & the fact her red breast feathers are a lot darker then Larry's own red/orange bold twinkles! And don't think because she's female, she's plain - as both sexes look the same. I think Larry finally convinced her that I am no threat & just want her picture. Tomorrow I guess she'll be flying away in fright again... but she does come down for worms when I feed Larry, so she should really trust me by now!

As for her own other half, well, Larry - you DO look like someone from Hollywood:

Stage door

Wet, windy, freezing, not pleasant out there. Even Psycho Pheasant stayed away, although I heard him baying for blood crowing this morning on the bank... it's just not nice weather for anyone right now! xxx

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