Restoration project

A trip to Largo to see Lesley. She had unearthed a file full of Faither's old photographs (including some from the seventies, my god! the hair!!! :^O ) I hadn't seen most of them before.

This is from late 1928, by the looks of it; featuring a tiny wee Faither in the arms of Gran, with a very pleased looking Grumpy. Fascinating. Dad looks a lot like my nephew Mike did at that age! I will scan the picture and try to restore it to its pristine condition... I was also very pleased to see a photo of one of the old steam trawlers of which Grumpy was skipper.

Another amazing discovery about the family, which I have just discovered, is that there was a picture story about one of my uncles featured in the old Hornet Comic.

We dropped in to see Big Col and S in Cupar on the way home. We had been slightly worried about himself, as we had not really heard much from him since he had had a second op on his brain tumour, but he was looking in good fettle, maybe a little more tentative in his movements, but strong and as much of a blether as ever. He was delighted to watch the news of the Motherwell fight-back come in :)

I was less pleased to see the 4th Morton goal :(

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