Fair E’en - my favourite construction.
Bo’ness Fair, the last Friday in June - dates back to 1800s when men and children who worked down the mines had one day off a year; it’s said to be the biggest fair of its kind in Europe now. It’s certainly something that local folks take seriously. Over time things and emphasis have changed; nowadays it’s a family and children event - many local children have a role in the big day. Each year one Primary School takes the lead.
In the past, on the eve of the fair, folks walked around town to see “the Arches” - wooden structures erected at certain points in Bo’ness; nowadays it’s huge wood and scaffolding constructions in the front gardens of the children who’re office bearers in the Fair Day events. This year’s theme was Mary Poppins, this “house” really impressed my wife and I. We also liked the structure at the Fair Queen’s home, (part of it was built by one of my friends), it proved very popular too with the crowds fine this evening. The weather looked set fair for the big day tomorrow. Great.
There’s a Facebook page with more information and also this link
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