
By bjebnnby7227

Christmas present

Found a Christmas card with a College JM pen in my pigeon hole from the secretaries, how lavly. Bit of a panic as my black ink ran out just as I was trying to print my Eurostar ticket, excellent timing. Though this was one of the times I've been very glad for living in a school, as I duly ran upstairs and asked the secretary to very kindly print it for me.

Left at 2.30ish for the Gare du Nord to avoid Friday-rush-hour metro traffic with my suitcase, so I had almost four hours to kill waiting for my Eurostar. Bumped into Rosie and her flatmate Laura by complete coincidence which was very weird, but they were getting an earlier train than me. Sat in a bar reading Harry Potter in French for most of the time and it actually went quite quickly, though when I got back to England I found out there'd been a fire on the railway between London and Brighton, which meant those trains were all delayed or cancelled. I eventually got on a train to Gatwick (and met Elisabo on this train, even though she'd got the Eurostar an hour later than me) and got home just past midnight I think.

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