Thoughts of a Mummy

By Jaxndm

More than Onesie

A trip to visit family resulted in lots of onesies :o)

Calv & I travelled to Welwyn today to visit my Nana, Auntie and family.

Peach stayed at home to carry on the bed build.

For the record I was ready and waiting for Calv at 9.15am. Yes, it is probably the first time in a long while that I have been ready - but I feel the need to note this rarity!!

We made the journey there in good time (2hrs) and my girls travelling very well.

It was lovely to spend time with our family. In typical Calver style we attempted to eat them out of house and home. Ruby practically succeeded!! She had her lunch, would disappear for a minute to play, and would come back in to the lounge with a hand and mouth full of food!!

Aj is definitely on the move now and was exploring well at my Auntie's. She appears to be very happy that she can get about and entertain herself with new environments :o)

My Auntie had bought our children a onesie each for Christmas and this was a group photograph of them all looking extremely adorable!!

Needless to say; there were tears tonight when I asked the girls to take them off for bedtime.

Peach and Alan have done really well with the bed build and have spare beds and the bottom bunks built.

When we got home, the girls were very excited to see their new bedroom. Penny was very upset that she couldn't sleep in her new bedroom yet.

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