By purgis

Boys and toys

We had dinner with bunch of our friend's couple of weeks back and in one point we guys started to talk about PlayStation 3. Who has it, what games we like to play and so on. Then the girls started talking about it. Asking questions, why we guys like it so much and what is so cool about it. We gave our best to explain to the girls but let's face the fact that they will never completely understand and the bottom line is that boys will be boys and that's that!

One day before my snowboard trip to Bulgaria, a regular day at work. Anni came to me and said ... honey, could you come outside for a minute. So I went. Close your eyes she said ... now open them! And there it was ... PlayStaion 3. She bought it for me, just like that ... with no obvious reason ... just the fact that she loves me so much ... guys eat your f****g heart out :)

P.s It was insanely sadistic to give me PS 3 one day before I had to go abroad for a holiday :)

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