Treasure Cove

Up early and I headed down to North Berwick to pick up my pal. I decided we would walk Skateraw to Cove, this ment we were sheltered from the wind.

The tide was out so we headed along the shore keeping the path for the return journey. A greyish morning with little swell as we passed Torness. The sea wall was damaged probably 2 weeks ago with the sea moving huge concrete lumps.

We picked up loads to smooth pebbles on the high tide mark. They we came across the first on the arches, it had fresh rockfall again probably from the recent bad weather. The limestone shelves had freshly exposed rock battered to submission by the sea.

Mud slides piled molehills along the cliff line with the sodden earth dripping on the fresh soil.

We reached Cove and headed down to the harbour, what a cracking spot.

A stroll back along the clifftop with me falling down a hole, braking the soil cornice into thigh deep hole. The only thing to grab was a barbed wire fence, this ran through my hand as I fell.

Back to the car and then home into the rain.

Juno got a bone as I had my lunch.

Out with eco mum to her new project and picked up eco daughter from the stables.

One extra for tea(eco son pal) and then a quiet night.

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