youngies journey

By youngie66

Voy = Voyarism !

Well a bit of a dull blip of what my job entailed today so will have to cheer you all up with a couple of funny stories about the railway but if you look at my diagram you will see the letters Voy in drivers terms it means Voyager which is the type of train I was booked to drive or the other version according to other drivers is Voyarism as I only found out recently on one of our early morning jobs where we drive an empty train around the Edinburgh Surburban Circle in the wee small ours it has been noticed by some drivers that the have seen a woman wandering around her house naked as not many trains pass this area she is oblivious to the attention she has been getting and I don't want to divulge the area she lives but people in Wheatfield Street really have to remember to close there curtains haha lol wich make me reminisce about when I grew up in Wheatfield Place I lived there till I was 18 but at the age of around 13 we all used to play on the railway line at that very spot so you could say my Voyarism started at an early age as one of my mates lived in one of these homes you could see into especially when climbing up one of the trees to hide in as these houses had no proper bathrooms back then you had to make do with the sink as I remember being bathed in mine as a kid anyhow a few of us would climb this tree overlooking the tenements on certain nights there would be not a breath of wind but you would see this one tree swaying around wildly to get a good view of this woman washing her Boobs in the sink it was the highlight of the night other than jumping on the moving freight trains heading towards Haymarket West Junction ohh the memories so beware if you live next to a railway as you never know who's watching, Story no 2, on my way home tonight I left the car at work and took a late train home and will pick it up at the end of my shift Sunday anyhow I got on the train and some people mentioned Cowdenbeath and that reminded me of last year around this time although it was on a Sunday evening I was in my empty train in platform 19 waiting to take my train and could see these two woman on platform 1 and what they were doing anyway I left with my train got my taxi back to station and got on the next train back to Inverkeithing and I could hear two woman loud as anything who were travelling to Cowdenbeath a few seats up I was standing as all seat were taken anyway we got on the move and I noticed it was these two woman and they seen my uniform and started asking daft questions they were drunk so anyway this girl noticed my name badge and held her hand out and said hello Mark pleased to meet you I said hello but I can't shake your hand she said why not I said incase you hadn't washed them the last time you were at the loo she retorted we always wash our hands afterwards so I gingerly raised my deep voice louder so the whole coach could hear me say well yeh did nae wash them after you both had a PISH on platform 1 well they were mortified and the coach was in uproar and they ended up having a drunken argument amongst themselves so I love retelling this story and in a couple of years when me and Sandra head to Canada I am going to do a book if I can get it off the ground with. Stories ,photos and some funny anecdotes so watch this space no body or animal was hurt in theses stories haha someone must have slipped me a happy pill today although I was rather pleased with my technical know how as I had to rack my brains as to why an engine would not start on leaving Edinburgh I did some fault finding at Edinburgh and Berwick upon Tweed and finally got the breakthrough at Newcastle it wasn't until I noticed when trying to start the engine from the cab I went into the diagnostics of the engine on my TMS Train Management Screen that the engine was not attempting to try and start when I was pushing the start button but I went into the LTCB Low Tension Cabinet and used the small engine start button there it fired up right away after resetting the low battery switch as well as if you keep trying to start it it will trip out so problem solved and hopefully fix the start button in the cab sorry for the long winded stories but hopefully it makes up for the dull blip

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