through His eyes.

By throughHiseyes


GRACE conferences never disappoints me. It all began in 2007 and the committed members have been growing together ever since. I cannot be ever more grateful for the leaders who started this conference and for all the friendships I've made from all these years of attending.

This year was... different. I chose not to serve in any roles after praying about it and realized in the end, that was what I needed. God knew. Humbleness was the tough lesson I had to learn.

I was prideful in the positions I've served and in any I can get. Instead of serving Him, I was serving myself. My heart was self-centered and selfish and I knew; yet, I didn't want to surrender it. To me, that would be giving up the feeling of being wanted, important, and actually needed. I needed approvals of others and thought through that, I would get approvals from God.

Ever since my adventure began in Taiwan to now, I finally saw the Truth: He loves me, no matter how many positions I served or if I have served at all, because all He needs is my heart fully surrendered into His hands. I have to admit, there were distractions during the past four days, but I was hungry for Him. For that peace in my heart that He's always promised. Instead of feeling self-pity and guilt the old Teyen would, I looked to Him every single time my heart wasn't with Him, knowing He is strong when I am weak. Those were probably the most beautiful moments I had during G12.

Through my small group this year too, I've learned what it means to trust. I told them on the third day that this was probably my first time enjoying small group. I don't know what it was, but we all connected pretty quickly. I just cannot stop praising God for them!

I would write more about all the things I shared in small group, the main sessions and workshops, but that would take hours. One thing that I cannot forget to write is

God is good. All the time.

The king is not saved by his great army; a warrior is not delivered by his great strength.

Our soul waits for the Lord; he is our help and our shield. (Psalms 33:16, 20)

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