
Thinking about the theme for today's Mono Monday, Patriotic, I was a little stumped.  Anyone who follows my journal knows my feelings on Brexit and the fact I consider myself Europenan, if I had to make any classification.  Obviously I was born, brought up and live in the UK, but that alone does not cover the true meaning of patriotic, not a bad trait and I suspect felt by many.  I'm not sure I can love a country run by ex-Etonians.

None of this is to say I don't respect patriotism in others, such as the soldiers mistakenly thinking that the Great War was the war to end all wars.  This monument to the unknown soldier is in Bancroft Gardens near the canal basin. I went down there this afternoon and started taking some photos. At one point a young man and, presumably, his grandparents appeared in my eye view.  The boy was dressed in complete US Army uniform, complete with authentic backpack. At one point he noticed the monument and started to walk towards it, just as I happened, ahem, to be taking yet another photo through the silhouette in his direction.  Patriotic times two!

Thanks to Carolina for hosting today's Mono Monday.

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