
By Eilatanfoto

These boots are made for walking...

The thing about shoes is that they aren't meant to stay in one place! So 12 months to plan the next move and then change the plans completely the day before I go. These shoes should do the trick and are further evidence of why I should be kept busy!

It's almost new years and I have a rule of getting my resolutions from other people (usually far more entertaining). Previously this has seen me join flashmobs, dive with great white sharks, zorb, crew a tall ship, go on stunt flight, stay overnight in the old Melbourne Goal on a professional ghost hunt, climb the Sydney Harbour Bridge, be a model for body painting, do the cage of death crocodile dive, zipline, loose 10 kg (Thankyou campylobacter - almost missed that one), join blipfoto.com, eat very bizaare food, seranade a complete stranger, try yoga (badly), go to a camping music festival and sing everyday before I was allowed to talk to one of my work colleagues (far more painful for them than for me). As such - please feel free to make suggestions and in turn I will quote Shakespeare...

"Boldness be my friend"

HAPPY NEW YEAR TO ALL WHO CELEBRATE!! On to the next exciting (and hopefully colourful) adventure! :)

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