Date night

Two weeks in a row, we have managed an hour this evening together. We parked up in the car park by the sea in East Runton, and then walked back into the village. We have only ever driven through before, and it is a lovely little village with some very old cottages. Lots of character. We wandered past trying not to be too nosy. Up a quiet lane I photographed a lone common orchid, a deer ( from a distance) and these sheep. The colours in this one won it for me. And the cheeky face peering over the feeder. So you got the sheep.

I had too much work for the length of my day, plus a headache, so am left with lots to do tomorrow. I took Mollie and Henry in this morning, and they spent the day spending Henry’s Birthday money. He is maturing, and has bought a selection of tools to go with his growing collection; all electrician related. He is building everything he needs so that he is equipped to be an electrician once he is qualified in a couple of years.

We got home at 5.45 and soon after Mollie and I went for our run. I bought some new running trainers at lunchtime. They were from Sports Direct, Adidas, half price. They helped me to do the week 6 day 2 run. 10 minute run, 3 minute walk, 10 minute run. I found it easier than Sunday’s run. Still glad it was over, but Thursday is a 25 minute run. Groan.

So I’m heading to bed now. Cos I need to be up early tomorrow to get started on all that work I didn’t do today!

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