Point & Click

By Rosell


I made it!!!

Blip 365

Last New Years day was a milestone for me, it was exactly a year since my sister had passed at age 54 and only 8 days since she was diagnosed with cancer, it was such a shock for us all and one I never thought I'd ever recover from. I knew I needed to make an effort to reconnect with life and as my husband had bought me a camera for Xmas I decided to try Blip, it meant I had to go out every day and was exactly what I needed. Thank you one and all for helping me through a difficult year.

The blip community is amazing and I love visiting your journals, I feel I have made friends from all over UK as well as overseas and over the last year I have enjoyed taking you with me to San Francisco, New York & France. I wonder where the next year will take us........

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