Passport to Puglia #7

La Chiesa di Sancta Lucia - Cisternino

A trip to the very lovely hill town of Cisternino is never complete without a visit to say hello to Saint Lucy, patron saint of all things ocular.
The story handed down tells of a gruesome martyrdom, after which she has always been portrayed as if in a prophetic dream, carrying her own eyes on a plate before her.

These days I'm super keen on preserving my slowly fading (but still miraculous) eyesight, so the visits have greater poignancy and the number of candles lit increase in number (I'm using 'lit' romantically, really I mean switched on).
Veneration complete and thanks offered to the Universe, WonderA and I drifted off to seal the deal in the traditional Catholic way...with heavenly gelato.

PS (a BIG ps)
Thank you all so much for your kind comments and encouragement on my 300th. I feel very much the novice in this community and your support is hugely valued

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