No Hidden Agenda

The Committee met for discussions. A good turn out for June.

After the Treasurer's report the next item not on the agenda was the Fellowship of the New Life. There was heated debate about whether the originating thrust behind the society was developed on David Thoreau's ideas or if Tolstoy's thoughts were more directly influential. Also the degree of Ramsay McDonald's contribution was queried.

Mr Dennison spoke about his proposed cycle from the Wee Toon to Bethesda. He intimated he is intent on not using ferries. Mr Muirison asked if he would be taking a bike.

Mrs Williamson indicated her cat had just had kittens. Ms Donaldson said the club would once again be sponsoring members on the Evie horse massaging sessions commencing in October.

Mrs Williamson Snr said she didn't want it minuted but she had seen a 'well bilt buey' coming out of 63 Dundas Street at the back o' 1 a.m.

Everyone was asking when Summer will arrive. Correspondence had been received from a Mrs P in Edinburgh.

Mr Foubister wondered who had trimmed up the Coastguard hut and Mr Watt retorted 'Me fither biggit yin whin way wir chest peedie things'.

This brought the formal business to a close and the Westray shortbread was put back in the tin. Mr Drever was about to cowp the big tea pot into the sink as Mrs Eunson asked him if he would be squeezing his bags.

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