Sue's Snaps

By SueThomas

Ruskin Memorial

A blustery trip to Derwentwater where the lake was acting like a rough sea. In places the shoreline was 20 feet further inland than when the photo club visited in late November. Also vast swathes of spray blew off the water - at times it was positively tidal!

The blip is the Ruskin Memorial, erected in October 1900. It is made of Borrowdale slate and was erected at Friars Crag on Derwentwater. John Ruskin (1819-1900) had many associations with Keswick. He once said Keswick was a place almost too beautiful to live in. The monument is a grade II listed structure.
The few square yards round the memorial were the first bit of the Lake District to become property of the National Trust.

So a little culture today and a lot of nature!

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