
Iconic name of iconic tenements in Largs, with a great sea view. A round of final errands - new key safe stocked with keys, emergency-number cards printed and laminated and strategically placed in the pockets of all of Mum's several coats and bags and sellotaped on hall table beside phone, monthly boxed prescription changed to weekly blister pack ones, a copy of my power of attorney lodged with the surgery, inaugural Wiltshire Farms meal delivery service booked for tomorrow, shopper re-engaged, the alert agency who attends Mum when she activates her buzzer contacted to confirm next of kin contact numbers which, from now on, will be dialled whenever there is an 'alert activity', burnt pot-bottom attacked with bicarbonate of soda and vinegar, heavy-bulky supermarket shopping done, tidying and cleaning of flat completed, and access to on-line banking established and to Blip reestablished!

I left Mum in good spirits, about to catch up on a whole backlog of blips in two journals she follows closely . . . guess which!

My sister should be due up in a weeks time to spend some time with Mum, too.

Hopefully, we now have enough in place to avoid the horrible, angst-laden experience of a few weeks ago. Fingers crossed.

Now at Prestwick Airport, waiting for departure to take me home to the recently-neglected Dd who has held the fort so well coping with all our guests single handedly in Barcelona this last week.

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