Grace Before Meals
Today was my parents' 57th anniversary. I am always amazed at the length of time that is to spend with one person. How absolutely wonderful and special.
I did very good staying at home doing some chores today (!) until 4 pm and then I decided I had earned some time outside with the camera. My daughter did not need to be picked up at work until 9 pm so.....I found lots of time to enjoy watching the interactions: a cat fight bird fight between a Catbird and Blue Jay; turtle laying eggs; dragonflies galore, rabbits galore, family of very little chipmunks, and a family of very sweet Red Squirrels. This little guy was so cute (about the size of a chipmunk) and his siblings all scattered back to the tree with their mum. He was so excited over the maple keys that he actually rolled in them at one point and then picked up one to chew on it. My goodness, he was adorable! So snow white on his belly, too!
Now it is way past my bedtime with an early morning tomorrow.
Happy 4th of July to all my American friends south of the border!! I hope you had a fabulous day : )
D x
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