Highly Unsprung

By CynicalWench

Anstruther Bound!

And he's off! Nature Boy, the Hair Apparent (tee hee), setting off for the East Neuk tonight, where Dave will wave him off at 7.15am tomorrow as he heads off on rib boat to the Isle of May for a week of Puffin, Artic Tern and all the island sea birds action, hopefully with some marine life wonders thrown in. With hostel type accommodation, water enough for a sink wash only and no showers, he's gonna come home stinkingly happy ( he and his compadres were told to bring deodorant and dry shampoo!). An action packed schedule all week means he'll be kept busy but he's promised to text....if there's enough solar power to charge his phone. As long as he comes home safe and sound and no doubt older and wiser.

I'm going to be a worried mum all week.

Proud of you Sam for securing a place, now go see those pufflings and jumplings.

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