Mrs Evil Goat

By MrsEvilgoat

Not sure Buddy really 'got' the mirror. I don't suppose he has ever seen himself before to recognise his reflection!

Today we have been to Vale View for a saddle fitting. Was bracing myself for a big purchase but amazingly my existing saddle can be sent back to the manufacturer and adjusted for £25 and I'll have it back by the end of next week!! Lady did all the measurements and will send it off for me. So relieved to have some good news about something for a change!

Met Tess for last dog walk of the day as she had all the big boys on one walk. Then headed home to collect the kids.. I walked our dogs whilst Eva went to dancing and M took Tobes to a cricket match. Playing away today so still not back so don't know how he's done.

Me and Eva went back to the yard to turn Jack out. Eva started saying she doesn't want to ride anymore. Think falling off has shaken her confidence more than I thought. We didn't plan to ride tonight anyway, but just spent some time grooming him, which she enjoyed. Not going to push it, just let her spend time with him and get back on when she's ready.

She is sat next to me as I am typing this going through some old photos on her little vtech camera. She's just found one of Alfie. She held the camera close to her chest and said 'I love Alfie. He's right in the middle of my heart'.
Big lump in my throat now.

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