A day in Paris or not...

By ellebasi


After a heavy snowy day, it's so good!
But, it is saturday, and SO many people had the idea to come up the mountain..bizarre!
here you can see the top of Europe, the Mont-Blanc, curiously, the round white thing among the peaks.
at 12.30 this day, I fell on the icy snow, my head hitting -bang- loosing my hat, one glass of my sunglasses, one ski..
I was quite groggy! A young boy (about 13) helped me getting my ski, hat and sunglass back, then a man helped me put my ski on..while the rest of my family was observing, 30meters down on the slope..
always betrayed by the closest,mmh?
i got a big bump on my forehead, and a terrible pain in the right shoulder, but nothing broken!
my ski holidays ended just after that!
Hope you are all ok!

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