Carol: Rosie & Mr. Fun

By Carol

2019 Monday — Back Bay

Hello July!

When we are staying here in Cayucos, on Mondays we almost always drive a few minutes south to the city of Los Osos to an area called Baywood Park so that we can visit the Farmers Market. We drop off our Mason jars with Stephanie our "soup chef" and then walk our pups to and along the edge of the back bay. 

This photo is taken on the narrow boardwalk that sits in front of the Back Bay Inn. The Inn has beautiful gardens that are well kept and I often try to capture these beautiful daisies.

After our walk, we head back to the Farmers Market to pay for and get our soup, and then we usually drive into the business section of Los Osos to the Ralph's Super Market and I do the shopping for the week.

There are three Farmers Markets here in our coastal area: Monday in Los Osos; Thursday in north Morro Bay; and Fridays in Cambria. I like going to all of them, but I think our favorite is this one in Baywood Park. 

Rosie (& Mr. Fun), aka Carol

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