The Spaniards' Gate

That's quite an extensive moat there, but that's actually the Mark.  Further along, it will join the river Aa, and there where they join, the rivers widen.  'Wide' in Dutch is 'breed', related very closely to the English 'broad', and that is where you get the name 'Breda' -- the 'brede Aa' or 'broad Aa'.  I love these gates to the castle from the water.  They look more interesting than the gates on the land.

AW wanted to go to town for some homeopathic help.  I dropped him off and parked where it was free, then walked to town to pick him up.  We walked back to the car at his own pace.  Shot this on the walk to town.  On the walk back to the car, I bought some Vietnamese lumpias, five pieces -- 2.3 for me, 2.7 for AW.  And that was my dinner, more or less.  The stress of a schoolyear drawing to a close, combined with 'other things', has reduced my appetite somewhat.  No problem, I like it when my tummy shrinks.  I did manage a longish nap in the garden with AW.

Wrapped up a number of odds and ends today.  After that, there will only be one thing left to do in connection with work -- the 9 students that belong to another colleague.  For the first time in weeks, I think I can relax a bit.

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