Saturday pub lunch and a stroll.

It has rained intermittently today, but humid. We changed our plans for a long walk and opted for a pub lunch at the Tame Otter, near Tamworth.
It is situated next to the canal towpath. (Not the Leeds-Liverpool).
There were lots of canal boats moored on this stretch and must have gathered for a kind of canal boat market!
They were displaying lots of different wares,from flowers and garden pots to pottery, and painted watering cans, not to mention paintings and cards.
It was a colourful sight.
I loved this particular boat. It had the beautifully painted cans, decorated bottles of all shapes and sizes and hand-painted crockery.
On our return I resited our ”trail camera” to the back of the summerhouse to see if it would capture night shots of the hedgehog who comes to eat his food there each evening. (The camera has the facility to record in infra-red at night) I get it from the farm shop! It’s labelled Mrs Tiggywinkle!
See what tomorrow will reveal.

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