Photographic Poeticisms

By TerryRhiannyr

Boxing Day Walk

A boxing day walk
In glad company
Walking and talking
And seeing what we might see
Mother and daughter
In conversation rapt
Free from house
After so long trapped
Enjoying the peace
Good company too
Away from the crowd
Instead just they two
To talk of the present
To remember the past
Knowing they have
A friendship to last
Although not always
Do they see eye to eye
There's a closeness grown
As the years have passed by
Always our daughter's been there
Willing to lend a hand
Always happy to listen
To try and understand
We've relied on her often
Over so many of our years
Throughout the times of sorrow
When fell so many tears
She's made us feel so proud
With all that she has done
We really must admit
She's a daughter second to none
No matter what her future
Might command and dictate
No matter that things
Might annoy her and frustrate
We know so very well
That if we are in need
Then, for sure, she's a friend indeed

Terry Rhiannyr
December 2012

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