Keep up Mum!
Up at silly O'clock can only mean one thing - Agility show! So out of practice of doing this as we haven't been to a show for a while. A few years ago this was a regular occurrence.
Was pleased that Ali was listening to me and she did some nice work. Got Eliminated in one course due to 'pilot error'. We just go for the fun of the runs now as she is approaching 8 1/2 years old and competing with younger dogs with some top handlers, but pleased to find we are finishing in the top end of the class despite the handicap!
Tried to practice camera skills with dogs at top speed and today it just wasn't working for me. I tried all different settings, yet couldn't get any to work for me. This is a picture of my friend running her young dog - In agility everything is a learning curve and the dogs love to throw in a curved ball!
Ali who has a good wait decided to break her wait today which immediately put me on the back foot!
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