Would You...?

My Dear Princess & Dear Fellows,

One of Lemon's children has been driving her nuts with "Would you...?" questions. It appears to be his way of starting a conversation. The questions she listed for me were:

"Would you... prefer to live to 1000 but be really old or just to 80 and be young?"

"Would you... rather eat a small bowl of live worms or a big bowl of fried worms?"

"Would you... rather be rich with no friends or poor with lots of friends?"

Lemon asked just how rich she would be. "I need more information," she told him. "I could BUY friends," she added.

"Friends cost like... a billion gazillion trillion dollars," he replied.

It is true. Your friendship is worth a gazillion dollars. For the record, I would eat a large bowl of fried worms for the three of you.


p.s. And if I've put this song in your head, I hope you are at least having fun playing "air trumpet".

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