Lost & Found
This weeks lost & found along with numerous roadkill aluminium cans out of shot. The plastic, Willow pattern china, beached whale ( sadly unable to save, bar me picking it up), rusty old door knob, & bright blue biro. All found along the river Teign estuary. This is when every dogwalker's obligatory doggy poo bags come in handy .. I always seem to have a pocketful, so never a problem. Some bits I save & hope to eventually make upcycled art or re-purpose. My problem is that there are'nt enough hours in a day. My collection is full to overflowing & hubby is not happy nor can understand why I need to keep such "rubbish". Hey ho!! The materials free :)
Back home Saturday, so yesterday, another back Blip, I was wide awake & up at the crack of dawn. Quick caffeine fix, then the allotment. Weeding, giving everything a good thorough watering, rewinding wayward runner bean tendrils .. Have they got a mind of their own. Never satisfied to go up the pole conveniently at their disposal. I'm not sure if that should be GRHHHH! or an ARGH!!!!!. Got the bonfire lit, bit damp underneath so did'nt get rid of quite as much waste but never mind every little helps. I could'nt put it off any longer ... My first pickings of the season .. broad beans & courgette. I was so excited, as they looked & felt like really full pods. 3lb 5oz broad beans from my first pick. Whoop whoop!!! The courgette weighing in at 1lb 13oz. That's enough for a batch of courgette & hazelnut burgers .. Kerching! A bunch of sweet peas topped of the harvest, then it was home for brekkers. I was going to life my first spuds but managed to control my urge. I have some pots in the fridge to use up first.
After breakfast I rang Mum and invited her up for a Sunday roast. I sent hubby out to buy a joint of lamb to go with the beans, picked some mint from the garden for the mint sauce
Meanwhile back on the homestead, I did two loads of washing then planted up a hanging basket with deep red pendulous begonias, orange nasturtiums & Lysimachia nummularia 'aurea'. Hot, hot, hot. Like the weather. :) I'm not complaining. Watered a few plants that had been missed by my gardening assistant, then decided to prick out some chilli seedlings. That done it was time to prepare dinner & get that going before hubby arrived with mum. I wanted to make a batch of rhubarb & strawberry jam but I needed jam jars which she was bringing so while I made jam mum shelled the beans. 13 various sized pots of jam, made, it was time to finish making dinner. Very yummy it was too. :)
Thanks to 60Plus for hosting
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