Deer Path

I awoke early in the mountain cabin and decided to take one of the cabin blankets and sit outside and commune with Nature. Disappointingly there was no herd of chamoix obscuring the fabulous view but I did enjoy just chilling in the landscape for an hour or so until Tony joined me and we took a short walk down the track to look at the view and to give Tomas and Marketa chance for a lie in, particularly as they had probably had to put up with our snoring!

Another leisurely breakfast ensued, trying to eat up the remainder of the food, then it was a clean up of the cabin and securing of the windows, shutters and door and we were off along another narrow deer trail, high up on the steeply sloping forested mountain side. The aim was to contour around the peak we came down yesterday evening and then cross the valley to the spring at Vřesová Studánka.

Having looked at the shrine we hiked to Červenohorské Sedlo and the ski hotel at the top of the chairlift where we took lunch whilst waiting for Marketa’s mother Sarka who had kindly offered to collect us and bring us back to the cottage. We are now showered and relaxing for the remainder of the day.

My blip is the view across the valley from the deer trail leading from the mountain cabin. We have decided that the Jeseniky Mountains look very similar in shape to the Cairngorms, but without the stony tops! The ridge in the distance with the tower on Praded will be our destination on our two day hike on Thursday and Friday before our return to Prague at the weekend.

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