
By Houseonahill6


It was quite a nice morning and the forecast for the next few days on Skye was good so David and Peter decided to go camping as they are both in holiday this week so they set off just after lunch.
We went for a drive round udale bay and Cromarty.A few lapwing were up in the flapping away.Saw two seals swimming close to the shore.
In the evening, when the sun had eventually come out, we went to Eden Court ( so inside for a few hours) to see some talks about The Flow Country.It is hoped that it will become a World Heritage Site .
The first Speaker was Professor Barry Gilbertson , chairman of the UNESCO world heritage site of Bath.So lots of interesting information about Bath and I recognised a few places that Kate64 has blipped :)
The next speaker was Professor Iain Stewart , you may know him from some programmes on the BBC including, Making Scotland Landscapes.Another interesting talk about how the Flow country was created and the animals etc that can be found there.He was funny too.
Finally it was Neil Oliver who I’m sure you would all recognise from numerous tv shows eg, Coast.Interesting look at mans involvement in the area and talking about Orkney as well, many of the sites we have visited.
The sun was just setting when we came out but there was enough time for a stroll at Merkinch.The tide was out but there were still a few birds to be seen, can you spot the heron ?
Was pleased to see the Roe deer although the grass was high so not sure if there was a fawn as well.

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