Capital adventures

By marchmont

Late night station

A bit of a slow start this morning - toing and froing, checking locks and things. It was off to Glasgow (old folks' rates) to shop -shop till you drop. It was outfits for the wedding and I have two. Of course I will be hugely over dressed as I understand the dress code can be t-shirt and jean.s however, I AM the mother of the bridegroom. I resisted the shoes and very expensive matching clutch (I got caught out there once before) but it was still an eye-watering 4 figures. Best not to look I say.

So after a couple of hours with Jacqueline Y and I were of to 'the Chip' for a very late lunch with some fizz and a bottle. Then on to a very noisy All Bar one for some more and a load more chat.

I was going to blip the garish lights in George Square. All I could manage is a deserted platform as I got on the east bound train.

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